Sunday, June 5, 2011

Gloves and an Octopus

So here are some super fancy fingerless gloves I have knit.Or knitted..knitten...Anyway they're made of fuzzy acrylic yarn, I think the blue might possibly have a little mohair.And the fabric for the heart in the middle has little blue flowers.My grandma gave a whole pile of fabric to me when she moved. I love floral fabrics! They're amazing.The thing I'm holding inn the last picture is an octopus I made a while back for my boyfriend. We named her May and I have no idea why.

Saturday, June 4, 2011


I have decided what I want my blog to be about. My art! And the inspirationn I get for making my art. So obvious right? It's what makes me happy. Here is a few pictures I have drawn, my favorites. But I'm not going to restrict it to just drawings. I'm thinking knitting, maybe jewelry, too. Hope you like it :D

Monday, May 30, 2011


I have decided to make a blog. Obviously :] I'm not sure what it will be about, but I have some starting ideas and as it always seems, great ideas always pop out of nowhere when I least expect it. It's my new adventure.
  My Blog name is Fairybells, because it's my favorite kind of flower.Just for the name.My new hobby is pressing flowers and learning the names of them.It's hard to find the names often, because I randomly pick them on walks and then stuff them into a book. But Fairybells is definately my favorite. Now I'm on the hunt to actually find some...